Weekly Update - 11/7
November 8, 2022

This week will be our last big volume push before thanksgiving and getting on some real snow!! This is a good week to try and zero in and get as much training done as you can!
Daylight Savings
In an attempt to make sure people can get one practice during the week on skis during daylight savings, we will be doing two morning practices and two evening practices on Wednesdays until we are able to get on snow. PLEASE SIGN UP FOR THESE SESSIONS, as we will cancel any sessions that do not have people signed up! If you cannot make it to any of the session options, you have a few choices:
- Option 1: If you have access to a ski erg or eurcolina, do the “Speed Work” workout, described listed here. You can do a 30 min jog to warm up, and then hop on the erg.
- Option 2: If you live somewhere where rollerskiing is a possibility, you could do speeds on your own. Don’t do this option if it is dark out.
- Option 3: If you don’t have access to a ski erg and you can’t go rollerskiing, you can do a run with poles, and a mix of running and bounding speeds. I’d suggest 4 x 10 sec running speeds on a flat, 4 x 10 sec bounding speeds up a gradual hill, and 4 x 10 sec running speeds with poles up the hill. Rest between each should be the same as in normal speeds (2-3 min)
Blinky Lights for Skiing
If you don’t have one already, you MUST have a red blinky light on the back of your helmet or water belt for all weekday practices, AM and PM. Suggestion would be for something that emits at least 50 lumens. You don’t need too much brighter than that, but much dimmer won’t do much on the road. A cheap bike light does better for this purpose than a “running light” or something similar, which tend to be less bright.
With the time change, we will start doing some of our bounding workouts in the dark. While you could, technically, bound without a light, it is strongly recommended to have a light that emits AT LEAST 300 LUMENS. You’ll want to make sure that the batteries are still good before each practice. If you need to buy a light, check out REI Garage, Expert Voice (details on accessing this are attached to this email), or any local place that you’d buy hiking & outdoor gear. Unlike blinky lights for skiing, headlamps are technically optional, but it’s definitely safer for your footing and more effective for your ability to bound hard to have one.
Transition from Fall Sports
We’re getting to the time of year where many of you are transitioning from fall sports back into ski training. The first thing you should do is read this, from from the EMXC website. It will outline the steps to take to get back into the swing of things with EMXC. You should definitely try to touch base with your point coach, either in a meeting or at practice. And, for the next few weeks, when you get to practice, make sure you let the coach leading the practice know when your season ended and if you’d like to modify the day’s workout at all.