Summer Training

August 10, 2024
Summer Training

The summer has been flying, and so have the EMXC skiers! We’ve been hard at work making technique improvements, building endurance and running skills, and putting a testing week and a big volume week under our belts.

Testing week included a strength test, a 3k running test, and a double pole test. To add to the already-challenging week, mother nature decided to make it HOT. With temps reaching past 95 degrees during the day, skiers proved their resilience as we adjusted practice times to 8am. We saw 10 PRs in the strength test, 11 PRs in the 3k, and 6 PRs and the double pole test.

Two weeks later, we commenced our first big volume week of the summer. During this time, coaches Chris and Avery alternated between coaching EMXC practices and coaching at regional development/elite camps, which Jasper, Alex, Fran, and Leigh attended. Meanwhile, the rest of the team was training big hours while having lots of fun – including an agility relay! The team capped off the week with a fun run/hike over and around Wachusett Mountain. Some notable quotes from the day were “this is fun!” and “my legs are tired” – great quotes to sum up the week!

Summer Hike

We’ll be heading into our next volume week soon at EMXC camp, which will take place in Dublin, NH. We’re looking forward to some great training and team-building activities!