EMXC Youth Updates
Saturday 1/18 Practice Plan
Our plan to continue classic this Saturday has been foiled by broken machinery.
All Club Practice - skate technique. Come early to remove the sticky kick wax off your skier's skis.
North America (except USA) 8:30-10. Skate.
USA 8:45-9:45. Skate
Western Europe 8:30-10. Skate
Scandinavia 8:15-9:45. Skate.
EMXC Juniors Updates
Team Talk
Over the past couple of months, EMXC did a fun, 3-week “team talks” series, with the goal of defining the atmosphere we want to cultivate as a team this season! Each week, we gathered as a team to have valuable conversations about why we love skiing and the things that make our team and sport so special.
In the first session, coaches Chris and Avery came up with